Outside the Classroom
Equal Access Clinic Network
I completed a Fellowship, Internship, and Volunteer program at UF College of Medicine for two years. I played a pivotal role in addressing healthcare disparities within marginalized communities in Alachua County, including those who are uninsured and unhoused. Volunteering weekly across various clinics, I assisted in patient care and facilitated appointments for over 1,000 individuals using Practice Fusion and REDCap software. I also established a pipeline between EACN and the Department of Health to expand community outreach, collaborated with healthcare providers to ensure equitable care, and supported medical students and residents with administrative tasks.
Skills: Patient advocacy, clinical experience, scribing, electronic health records

Department of Health
During Spring 2024, I was an Intern at the Alachua County Department of Health in the We Care Physician Referral Network. I spearheaded the linkage of over 20,000 uninsured patients with free healthcare while analyzing county-level data to create evidence-based decisions. A large focus of my work was on the Florida Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program which provides free services such as mammograms and pap smears. At the completion of my internship, I created two deliverables outlining the county data results (find them here).
Skills: Community health, Excel, graphic creation and communication

Chinese American Student Association
As Vice President of Internal Affairs, I played a pivotal role in organizing successful events and fostering student engagement with Chinese culture. Leading committees for Semi-Formal and Formal events, I oversaw programming and coordination efforts, ensuring memorable experiences for attendees. Additionally, I mentored freshmen through CASANova, facilitating their professional development and interpersonal skill-building. I also contributed to the planning of major events like the Mid-Autumn Festival and Chinese New Year Festival, both of which attracted over 800 attendees, highlighting our commitment to celebrating and sharing Chinese culture within the university community.
Skills: Cultural competency, event programming, leadership development, teamwork

Zhe Ma Lab Research
I've immersed myself in undergraduate research in the UF College of Medicine for two years. Our lab focused on exploring the interplay between cGAS-STING and Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus (KSHV), with the aim of identifying and testing potential STING agonists to trigger type 1 interferon response. I investigated the efficacy of STING agonist diABZI in inhibiting KSHV oncogenesis in Primary Effusion Lymphoma (PEL) cells in vitro. I've concluded this research journey by presenting at two symposiums, publishing in the UF Journal of Undergraduate Research, and completing a Senior Thesis in Spring 2024.
Skills: Western blot , DNA & RNA extraction, PCR, and cell culture

alpha Kappa Delta Phi Sorority, Inc.
In my involvement with alpha Kappa Delta Phi (aKDPhi) for three years, I dedicated myself to fostering community well-being and empowerment. aKDPhi is an Asian-interest, but not Asian-exclusive, sorority with an international network of sisters. Through initiatives like hosting the yearly Breast Cancer Awareness Benefit Concert, collaborating with the Food4Kids Backpack Program of North Florida, and participating in road cleanups for Keep Alachua County Beautiful, I engaged with over 100 community members, raised funds, and contributed to various service projects. I also served as the Cultural Chair for one year where I hosted the events "Breaking and Bamboo Ceiling" and "WannaBee Helpers?" educating on Asian discrimination and Asian cancer inequities, respectively.
Skills: Community engagement and service, educational awareness, minority advocacy

UF Student Activities & Involement
As a Student Engagement Ambassador with UF Student Activities & Involvement for one year, I've been instrumental in enhancing student engagement and campus life. Through one-on-one Individual Involvement Consultations, I've introduced students to leadership opportunities and campus activities, helping them navigate their involvement journey. Managing communication with over 1,000 student organizations, I've ensured smooth re-registration processes, budget approvals, and room bookings. Moreover, I've facilitated campus-wide events such as Leadership Excellence and Develop (LEAD) Workshops and the UF Transitions Conference, contributing to the holistic development of the student body and fostering a vibrant campus community.
Skills: Communication, administrative tasks, adaptability