High School: Spanish 1, 2, and 3
Fall 2020:
ANT3478: Global Health Culture
CHM2050/CHM2045L: General Chemistry 1 Honors & Lab
HUM2930: Research & Creativity
IDH4940: Honors Admissions Reviewers
MDU4003: Introduction to the Medical Professions
WST2322: Introduction to Health Disparities
Spring 2021:
ANT2410: Cultural Anthropology
ANT3302: Global Gender Issues
CHM2051/CHM2046L: General Chemistry 2 Honors & Lab
IDH2930: (Un)common Read: Know My Name
IDS2935: An Ounce of Prevention
MAC2311: Analytic Geometry & Calculus 1
Summer 2021:
ANT2140: Introduction to World Archaeology
CHI1130: Beginning Chinese 1
CHI1131: Beginning Chinese 2
Fall 2021:
ANT2464: Introduction to Medical Anthropology Honors
ANT3451: Race and Racism
BMS4905: Medical Science Research
BSC2011/BSC2011L: Integrated Principles of Biology 2 & Lab
CHM2210: Organic Chemistry 1
CHM4940: Supervised Teaching
Spring 2022:
ANT4484: Anthropology of Pregnancy, Birth, and Early Childhood Development
BMS4905: Medical Science Research
CHM2211L: Organic Chemistry 2 Lab
ENC3453: Writing in the Health Professions
HSC3537: Health and Medical Terminology
IDH2930: (Un)common Peer Instructor
Summer 2022:
MSC3020/MSC3020L: Basic Biology of Microorganisms & Lab
PHC4101: Public Health Concepts
Fall 2022:
ANT2100C: Applied Human Anatomy & Lab
HSA3111: U.S. Health Care System
HSC3502: Survey of Disease & Disabilities 1
IDH2930: Unsafe Motherhood – Maternal Mortality and Obstetric Violence
PHC3603: Critical Issues in Public Health
PHC4094: Introduction to Biostatistics
WST4941C: Practicum in Health Disparities
Spring 2023:
HSC3057: Research Methods in the Health Sciences
HSC4558: Survey of Disease & Disabilities 2
HSC4930: Social Determinants of Health
HSC4969: Public Health Honors Seminar
PHC3440: Global Public Health
Summer 2023:
AGR3303: Genetics
APK2105C: Applied Human Physiology & Lab
BMS4905: University Scholars Research
Fall 2023:​
BMS4905: University Scholars Research
HSC4970: Senior Honors Thesis
MDU4004: Physician Shadowing
PHC4024: Applied Epidemiology
PHC4320: Environmental Concepts in Public Health
Spring 2024:
BMS4905: University Scholars Research
PHC4117: Public Health Management and Leadership
PHC4943: Service Learning Project
During the course Social Determinants of Health taken in Spring 2023, I created a faux stakeholder proposal for a public health intervention program targeting food deserts and inequity in Alachua County, Florida. This project spanned five months and entailed research into county-level data, teamwork among four contributors, and provided insight into the work of public health nonprofits. Our group created this campaign and marketing materials, following by a live classroom presentation to convince peers to "invest" in our intervention. I learned about nonprofit grant proposals, identifying community stakeholders, and empowering communities towards collective action.
In partnership with the Alachua County Department of Health's We Care Physician Referral Network, I analyzed county-level health data and combined it with a literature review to provide two comprehensive analyses. Deliverable 1 is on the effect of COVID-19 on Department referral completion rates while Deliverable 2 is on the Florida Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program's (FBCCEDP) service utilization. These reports were completed as part of my Spring 2024 Practicum where I dedicated over 100 service learning hours to the Department. Through these datasets, I gained skills in data analysis, literature review, and built upon foundation public health competencies.
Course Deliverables
During the Survey of Disease and Disabilities 2 course, I delved into various health conditions, studying their etiology, signs, symptoms, and treatment modalities. Among the assignments, I created an informative infographic focusing on hemodialysis, a critical service for individuals with kidney complications. Along with a group of four students, I meticulously researched and visually presented the process and benefits of hemodialysis, aiming to educate and empower individuals about this life-saving treatment modality. This project elucidated the intricacies of different dialysis machines and techniques, enhancing my understanding of renal care and its vital role in managing chronic kidney disease.
For my Public Health Management and Leadership course, I created a collaborative report with five senior public health undergraduates on public health policy and practice. I spearheaded the analysis of the case report, identifying needs, assets, outcomes, and strategies to combat cyberbullying. This experience honed my strategic thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills while demonstrating my ability to lead diverse teams toward shared goals. My proficiency in synthesizing data and formulating evidence-based recommendations underscores my commitment to effecting positive change in public health policy. Through this, I was able to create a cover letter showcasing the skills I obtained.
Course Deliverables
As a Spring semester freshman in 2021, I decided to take the course Global Gender Issues analyzing the portrayal and role of gender across the world. The capstone project entailed designing a qualitative research project interviewing at least fifteen individuals, analyzing their responses, and combining these findings with a literature review to create an anthropological argument. I wrote my paper titled "The Variability of Leadership Style and Confidence Levels by Gender: Discrimination Experienced by Female Leaders". Through this, I gained skills in qualitative and medical anthropology research as well as written communication and piloting a research study. This course was essential to my decision to pursue a minor in Anthropology and has shaped my worldview since then.
In this graduate-level anthropology course taken during Spring 2022. I explored the Anthropology of Pregnancy, Birth, and Early Childhood Development. Reading the narratives of numerous cultures and underprivileged groups through works such as Jailcare: Finding the Safety Net for Women behind Bars and Reproduction on the Reservation: Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Colonialism in the Long Twentieth Century allowed me to adopt a critical medical anthropological view. As a capstone project, I created a campaign on childbirth and the importance of women's choice targeted towards healthcare professionals. This deliverable strengthened my career interest in OB/GYN and women's health.