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Cathrine Pacini

Goals & Outcomes

As a life-long learner, I'm eager to deepen my understanding of global issues, sharpen my critical thinking skills, and foster empathy for diverse perspectives. Regarding my career aspirations, I'm drawn to roles where I can make a meaningful impact, particularly within the fields of public health and medicine. My primary career ambition is to become a Physician Assistant specializing in gynecologic oncology and obtaining my Master's in Public Health in Epidemiology. Ultimately, I envision myself as a dedicated advocate for health equity working to expand healthcare access for all.


  1. Goal #1: Utilize experience in public service and healthcare to ensure equitable access to comprehensive healthcare services for marginalized communities. 

  2. Goal #2: Become proficient in data analysis and research methodology to effectively assess and communicate complex healthcare barriers and challenges.

  3. Goal #3: Educate others on the importance of cultural heritage, education, and competency as core to identities and offering professional benefits.


  1. Outcome #1 - Increased Cultural Competency: Developed a deeper understanding of cultural nuances and diverse perspectives, enabling effective communication and collaboration with individuals from various backgrounds in healthcare settings. Read about my cultural experiences.

  2. Outcome #2 - Enhanced Advocacy Skills: Strengthened my ability to advocate for marginalized communities and promote equitable access to healthcare services through active involvement in community-driven initiatives and grassroots organizations. Read about my time with the Equal Access Clinic Network.

  3. Outcome #3 - Improved Leadership Abilities: Cultivated my leadership skills by organizing and coordinating volunteer initiatives, demonstrating my capacity to mobilize resources and inspire others towards a shared vision of health equity and social justice. Read about my experiences outside the classroom.

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